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Winter has left the building (well, almost), taking with it our dreary moods and dry, itchy skin. And while in Sydney we have been in lockdown for most of the winter (layering serums, balms and oils), warmer air and increased humidity mean our skin is about to be in for a shock. You need to get ready for skincare season!

Spring is fast approaching, which means fun in the sun, pretty sun dresses, and a fresh & clean look. How, then, to prep the face for sunnier days ahead?

1 Spring cleaning of your makeup cupboard

Quite possibly the most important piece of the puzzle is spring-cleaning. Throw out anything over a year old. Old products can host a build-up of bacteria, leading to clogged pores and dull skin. Makeup brushes, too, are often overlooked, and can store unwanted germs and viruses. Dr Adam recommends washing brushes at least once a week with regular hand soap and drying them with a blow-dryer. Something so simple but which can have a huge impact on the overall health of your skin.

2 Forget the heavy, slapped-on makeup

While makeup can significantly enhance your features, overdoing it can be detrimental to your skin. Heavy, caked-on makeup equals clogged pores, especially in the seasons’ warmer weather, which isn’t a good look on anyone. Also, while many of the foundations available on the market boast sunscreen in the ingredients, it is not enough to provide sufficient coverage. Always use sunscreen in addition to your makeup products. For spring and summer season in Australia, he strongly recommends SPF50.

3 SPF (and no, the SPF in your foundation is not enough)

We realise that this is pretty well-known, however, sunscreen application is so very important. Sun exposure causes premature aging, lines, and wrinkles and greatly increases the risk of skin cancer. Invest in your skin with a sunscreen that you will wear every day and reapply.

4 Swap your heavier, winter moisturizer for a water-based one

Your skin retains more water during the warmer months. This means that a lighter moisturiser is in order. Water-based ones work wonderfully and prevent over saturating your skin and/or clogging of the pores.

5 Facial mists are your friend

Springtime can also mean extra sweatiness. Many people’s first instinct is to wipe away sweat with their, not likely to be recently washed, hands. This can introduce oils and bacteria which can and will wreak havoc on your skin. Facial mists cool the skin, eliminate excessive sweating, and help keep the skin clean and clear of harmful bacteria.

6 Don’t forget your wide-brimmed sun hat

Most women know that sunscreen needs to be applied to the face regularly, but you can almost double your protection by using a sun-protective wide-brimmed hat to keep the dangerous rays away.

7 Do not neglect your lips

During the winter season, your lips usually let you know when they’re in need of some tender, loving, care by becoming dry and chaffed. During the summer and spring damage to your lips can be a little more subtle. Always remember to use an SPF chapstick.

8 Go easy on the retinol

While it might be all the rage, retinol should be used sparingly during the spring season. Retinol encourages cell turnover, which removes the dead cells, before replacing them with new ones. These fresh, brand-new cells are more likely to burn in sun exposure. By all means, continue to use retinol in your skincare routine, but it should be applied nearer to bedtime during the Spring and Summer months.

9 More acidic cleanser

Cleansers that are more acidic or astringent can offer more control when it comes to sweat and shine. This is obviously more important during the skincare season – warmer months such as the spring and summer months.

10 Antioxidants, antioxidants, antioxidants

Antioxidants are one of the best ways to keep your skin looking young, fresh, and healthy. Skincare products that include antioxidants help prevent premature aging and sun damage.

11 Don’t be afraid to exfoliate

Exfoliating is imperative in the removal of dirt, waste, and dead skin cells. It also helps to keep your skin looking bright and healthy. Exfoliating can make you more susceptible to burning so sunscreen is always a must!